
Master 4 color-matching principles to create the perfect living space

Master 4 color-matching principles to create the perfect living space - Dipo Store

Color plays a crucial role in design, directly influencing human emotions and behaviors. Choosing and coordinating colors effectively can help you create beautiful, harmonious living spaces that convey the desired message. However, with the vast array of colors and shades available, color coordination can be challenging for many.

This article will introduce 4 essential color coordination principles in design that you must know to create perfect living spaces:

1. The 60-30-10 Rule

This is the most popular and easy-to-apply color coordination principle, helping to create balance and harmony in a space. According to this rule, you will use 3 colors for a room, with the following proportions:

60% - Dominant color: This is the color you love and want to use the most in the room. This color is often used for walls, floors, or large furniture.

30% - Secondary color: This color complements the dominant color and adds accents to the room. The secondary color is often used for furniture, curtains, or other decorative details.

10% - Accent color: This color creates a strong accent and draws attention to a specific area in the room. The accent color is often used for decorative accessories such as throw pillows, pictures, or vases.

the 60-30-10 rule


Living room:

    Dominant color: White (60%)

    Secondary color: Light blue (30%)

    Accent Color: Yellow (10%)


    Dominant color: Gray (60%)

    Secondary color: White (30%)

    Accent Color: Orange (10%)

example for home color design

2. Color Wheel

The color wheel is a useful tool for choosing and coordinating colors effectively. The color wheel consists of 12 primary colors, divided into 3 color groups:

Warm colors: Red, orange, yellow

Cool colors: Blue, green, purple

Neutral colors: White, black, gray

color wheel

How to use the color wheel?

Analogous colors: Choose colors that are close to each other on the color wheel. These colors create a harmonious and relaxing feel.

Complementary colors: Choose colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel. These colors create a strong contrast and draw attention.

Supplementary colors: Choose colors that are 90 degrees apart on the color wheel. These colors create balance and harmony in a space.

3. Light and Color Temperature

Light and color temperature directly affect how we perceive colors. Natural light tends to make colors brighter and warmer, while artificial light can make colors darker and cooler.

light and color temperature

Natural light: Maximize natural light in your design to create a sense of spaciousness and airiness.

Artificial light: Use light bulbs with appropriate color temperatures for the intended use. For example, use bulbs with a warm color temperature for bedrooms and bulbs with a cool color temperature for workspaces.

4. Color Psychology

Each color has its meaning and psychological impact. Understanding color psychology will help you choose colors that suit your purpose and create a space with the desired atmosphere.

Red: Represents passion, energy, and power.

Orange: Represents joy, optimism, and creativity.

Yellow: Represents warmth, happiness, and luck.

Blue: Represents peace, relaxation, and trust.

Green: Represents nature, freshness, and growth.

Purple: Represents luxury, mystery, and romance.

Color is a powerful tool that can be used to create beautiful, functional, and meaningful spaces. By understanding and applying the color coordination principles and color psychology concepts discussed in this article, you can transform your living spaces into places that reflect your personality, style, and desired atmosphere. Color coordination is an art, and there are no strict rules. Experiment with different color combinations and find what works best for you and your space.

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